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Cannabis has been making its way into the mainstream as a medicinal and recreational drug, but what many people don’t know is that it also has some amazing benefits for athletes. Cannabis can help you improve your athletic performance, reduce pain and inflammation, and speed up your post-workout recovery. Keep reading to learn more about how cannabis can revolutionize athletics!

The following article was written by Nick Strauss from Remedy CBD, a professional hemp retail store in Arden.

What is Hemp?

To make sure we're all on the same page, let's discuss what hemp is: Hemp is a variety of cannabis that is grown specifically for industrial purposes. Hemp has many uses, including making paper, textiles, plastics, construction materials, and biofuels. Hemp is also high in cannabidiol (CBD), a compound that has many therapeutic benefits.

What's the Difference Between Hemp and Cannabis?

Hemp and cannabis are both varieties of the Cannabis sativa plant. Hemp contains very low levels of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive compound in cannabis that produces a "high" but high levels of CBD. Cannabis contains high levels of THC, which is why it is used for its psychoactive and pain-relieving properties.

THC and "The Wall"

Runners and other long-distance or high stamina athletes often report a peculiar phenomenon after hard or otherwise long sessions known as the 'runner's high,' a feeling of euphoria that aids in further exertion and pain fighting. Many people work out for hours in search of this feeling. Runner's High is often erroneously attributed to Endorphins when in fact it is assuredly caused by the body's own production of the neurotransmitter Anandamide. 

Anandamide is the endocannabinoid analog of THC, the primary psychoactive phytocannabinoid found in Marijuana. (...In English, Nick) Right. Anandamide is responsible for the body's own form of a weed high. This high feeling can be very similar to smoking herb!
Users who ingest cannabis before working out report not being challenged by the initial 'wall' or mental boundary which often causes them to give up. This makes sense, as having anandamide in your system would allow you to run further than your body would normally let you. By pre-loading the chemical THC into your blood, you are effectively boosting cardio performance.

CBG and Inflammation

The cannabinoid CBG aka Cannabigerol is known to have an anti-inflammatory effect when used topically or ingested. This has obvious benefits for those training in martial arts, strength training, bodybuilding, Cross-fit, cardio, calisthenics, uh..what else...let's see here, Zumba, fencing, Contact Improv, sports, etc. It's true. Along with CBD and the rest of the full spectrum, CBG is effective at regulating the inflammation caused by damage to the body and exercise alike. I recommend trying a Full Spectrum cream or a CBG cream on injured areas and a high potency ingestible for recovery.  

The Full Spectrum and Recovery

We've finally arrived, the moment where I finally say what I was born to say. Here we go. *AHEM*

Everyone should be using cannabis. 

PHEW. Got it off my chest. Seriously, if people knew the extent to which exercise is NECESSARY for a healthy, happy life, they'd be right there next to me at Planet Fitness, staring at me crush these bent-over rows and rear delt flies. If cannabis can help exercise, and we all need exercise, then I give you logical proof that we should all be using it one way or the other. 

Good thing Remedy CBD has an online store, eh?

Many runners describe a 'wall' - or instead, a mental limit to their ability to continue running. Cannabis has been shown to enable the brain to push past these mental blocks by relaxing the user and by mimicking anandamide, a neurotransmitter responsible for the "Runner's High" effect. 

About the Author

Nicholas Edward Strauss has worked in the NC Hemp industry since 2018. He is the Operations and Marketing Manager of Remedy CBD, a wellness shop dedicated to bringing high-quality customer service and clean hemp products to the fine folk of Western North Carolina and to creating a thriving local community.

As part of his work in hemp, Nicholas has worked hard to extol the virtues and benefits of cannabis as medicine and serve his clients accordingly. He has run several well-known local shops and has presented at national hemp conventions such as the NoCo Hemp Expo and the USA CBD EXPO. He lives in West Asheville where he enjoys creating electronic music and virtual content.

You can find Nicholas at the Remedy store located at 2700 Hendersonville Rd, Arden, NC, across the Mission-Pardee campus.



How can cannabis help athletes?

Cannabis has many potential benefits for athletes. Cannabis can improve athletic performance by helping the body use energy more efficiently. Cannabis can also reduce pain and inflammation and speed up post-workout recovery.

Do all athletes need to use cannabis?

No, not all athletes need to use cannabis. Some athletes may find that cannabis helps them to improve their performance, while others may not notice any difference. It is up to each individual athlete to decide whether or not to use cannabis.

Is it safe for athletes to use cannabis?

Yes, it is safe for athletes to use cannabis. However, it is important to remember that cannabis can impair coordination and judgment. As such, athletes should use caution when using cannabis before or during competition. Additionally, many sports federations test for levels of THC in the bloodstream, which may disqualify an athlete from competition.

How do athletes use cannabis?

There are many ways for athletes to use cannabis. Cannabis can be consumed orally, inhaled, or applied topically. The best method of consumption will vary depending on the individual athlete and the desired effect.

Oral consumption of cannabis includes eating or drinking products that contain cannabis. Cannabis edibles are a popular option for athletes, as they offer longer-lasting effects than smoking or vaporizing. However, it can take up to two hours for the effects of an edible to be felt, so it is important to plan ahead.

Inhalation of cannabis includes smoking or vaporizing cannabis. This is the fastest method of absorption, and the effects can be felt within minutes. However, the effects are also shorter-lived than with other methods of consumption.

Topical application of cannabis includes using lotions, balms, or oils that contain cannabis. This method of consumption is ideal for athletes who are looking for localized pain relief. The effects of topical cannabis can be felt within minutes and last for several hours.

Can athletes use cannabis before or during competition?

It is up to each individual athlete to decide whether or not to use cannabis before or during competition. Cannabis can impair coordination and judgment, so athletes should use caution when using cannabis before or during competition. Additionally, many sports federations test for levels of THC in the bloodstream, which may disqualify an athlete from competition.