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The first annual Summit Crossfit Summer Slam was held on July 30, 2022, and it was a huge success! Athletes from all across Asheville and beyond attended the event to compete, have fun, and challenge themselves. This year's Summer Slam featured competitions in Olympic weightlifting, powerlifting, gymnastics, and more.

The CrossFit and Fitness Gyms Represented

The athlete pool was composed of 31 two-person, same-sex teams from the following gyms:

Owners Leslie Marie Cardix and Donivan Ciolfi know how to organize a great event. All heats were managed perfectly, and the athletes had a ton of fun. In response to the event, Leslie and Donivan were both extremely happy with the event.

"We are so grateful for the volunteers who gave up their day to help us run this event smoothly," said Leslie. "It was so much fun to watch everyone compete and challenge themselves."

Donivan added, "We can't wait to do it again next year!"

If you're looking for a great Crossfit competition to attend next year, be sure to mark your calendars for the Summit Crossfit Winter War in January and Summer Slam in August 2023. You won't regret it!

The Competition Workouts

As a seasoned event programmer, Donivan organized four excellent workouts for the two-person teams to complete.


For time:
300 Double Unders
50 Synchro Toe to Bar 
25 Synchro Burpee Box Jumps Overs, 24/20
*15 minute time cap.


Power Bomb
6 minutes: Establish a maximum Clean


The Cyclone 
6 Minutes Max Laps: 110 Meter Baton Relay

Event 4: DDT

For Max Reps:
3 mins: Max Rep Deadlift, 225/155
3 mins: Max Rep Calorie Row
3 mins: Max Rep Wallballs, 20/14
3 mins: Max Rep Handstand Push-ups

Photos of Summit Summer Slam

Photos of the Summit Crossfit Summer Slam are property of Jason De Los Santos -- @jason_dlsantos. Please tag him on social media if you post any of the photos. Photos cannot be modified without the express written consent of the owner.

Thank you to all the athletes who came out and competed, and a big thank you to Leslie, Donivan, and the rest of the Summit Crossfit team for putting on a great event! We'll see you next year!